Have Childlike Anticipation…

Today’s post is a slight deviation from the “Be Inspired” topic due to the upcoming holidays. In less than two weeks it will be Christmas. Wow, the time has been flying!

Do you remember as a child how excited you were for Christmas? The lights, the tree, the candy, the cookies, the music, the TV shows, the traditions, and I could go on, and on, and on…

But it was thoughts about the gifts that had my anticipation level off the charts! For us, there would always be the one grand gift, the “special” one. The one I really, really, hoped to get. On Christmas Eve, my mind would be whirling about the possibilities of what it would be. I thought I would never fall asleep, but somehow I did.

Finally, Christmas morning arrived and that first glimpse of those beautifully wrapped gifts would bring awe and wonder. Then, a flurry of excitement, joy, and laughter would burst out while the gifts were opened.    An author (unknown) said, “When you stop opening presents and listen, love is what’s in the room with you at Christmas.” Christmas is love. It’s what God gave us that day so long ago.

For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.” – John 3:16 (NLT).

Jesus is the “grand” and special gift who we have access to every day. He is the gift that will never disappoint. We should live in such a way that those childlike feelings of anticipation during Christmas, becomes our daily expectation of experiencing God.

I pray that your heart is open to receive the gift of God’s love, His son Jesus Christ. So that you know God, rely on and love Him, and be willing to touch the lives of others through Him.

The final thought I leave you is a quote by Laura Ingalls Wilder (author):

Our hearts grow tender with childhood memories and love of kindred, and we are better throughout the year for having in spirit, become a child again at Christmas-time.

I encourage you to be that child again not just Christmas-time but all the time!

Thank you for your time and Merry Christmas! Be Blessed… LR Maddox


  1. The memories of my childhood Christmas always brings joy to my heart, my family didn’t have much but my mom always seems to find a way to make all our Christmas’s fantastic. She never loses sight that Jesus was the true meaning of Christmas and always made sure we didn’t either.


  2. Hey LR! I enjoyed reading “Have Childlike Anticipation”! Monday morning (Dec 25th) I will do just that and take in the love and time with family.

    Toni A.


    1. Thank you, Toni! It’s a joy to hear that. Merry Christmas!


  3. Greetings my dear sister
    As I get older and more reflective, I find that life is about special moments we are blessed with. Merry Christmas to you


    1. I agree! We need to treasure them. Merry Christmas!


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