What’s Lighting You Up? Be Inspired!

Writing a book, being on social media, having a website, and blogging… These words were not in my personal vocabulary two years ago. In fact, the thought of being on Facebook, owning a website, or blogging, was something that would give me hives (literally). If you talked to me about it seven months ago, I would have laughed at you and told you that it would never ever happen!

But as the saying goes, never say…. NEVER!

So, how did I get here? How did it happen? Sometimes you need to look back to see how God moved.

I enjoy reading Christian contemporary fiction although outside of maybe a handful of authors; the ethnic diversity (if any) has been pretty thin. Typically, the character(s) would have a minor support role within the storyline. I would end up reading a very good book but disappointed that it lacked variety.  I began feeling convicted that I could write stories that reflected my life where relationships are based on factors other than someone’s ethnic background.  This was the starting point of my journey to become an author.

What an amazing but at times a painful adventure it has been so far! Our church was told back in January, “to get comfortable with being uncomfortable this year.” Has it been easy for me? No. But when you’re obedient and God moves, it’s unbelievable what happens!

My heart’s desire since I’ve embarked down this path has been to touch, encourage, and inspire others, even if it only impacts one person. Matt. 5:16 (NASB) says, “Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.”

I have to ask you… What inspires you? Who are you inspiring? Is your light being seen?

If you don’t have answers to these questions then for your first step, I encourage you to pray for direction. As for the next steps, I’ll talk about them in upcoming topics.

I want to leave you with a final thought which is a quote by David Archuleta (vocalist):

Without inspiration, we’re all like a box of matches that will never be lit.

Be inspired! Be the light! Take that step towards the purpose that you were uniquely made for.

Thank you for your time! Be Blessed… LR Maddox


  1. Congratulations on your website and blog! Very inspiring! Looking forward to your next post.


  2. A great journey you have started, your blessing will touch a lot of People 😌🌹


  3. So very proud of you sharing your heart for God with the rest of the nations…..😌😌😌


    1. To watch you be used and inspire many…what a beautiful sight. Hugs, love and prayers for the continued journey.


      1. Thank you! And I definitely appreciate the prayers.


  4. Greetings my dear sister. I am really proud of your work and I am happy for your journey. I hope to catch up to you soon. I am dying to write and this year I am going to do lots of it

    Sending lots of love and inspiration



  5. These words are very inspiring. I actually am looking at what is my passions due to your words. I look forward to hear more about your journey.


    1. Awesome!! I’m so glad to hear that. I’ll pray that your passions are revealed.


  6. Congratulations on your website and your writing journey!


    1. Many thanks! And a heartfelt “Thank you” for all your support and patience on getting this site up and functioning! You are awesome!!


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