Age is just a number – Part 2


We are continuing the Be Inspired series and this installment addresses the “younger” generation, whether it’s a number or you are young at heart. In Part 1, I discussed the “seasoned” generation, so if you missed it you can read it at

As mentioned last time, during the journey to discover what our “dream” is and being an inspiration, one of the first things that will immediately derail us is our age.

For the younger generation, doubts enter in and they hear whispers of, “You’re too young…”, “No one will take you seriously…”, “You don’t have the experience…”, “It’s too big…”, and etc. Sadly, these are the same comments they most likely will hear from friends and family members.

Unfortunately, they let fear (False Evidence Appearing Real) and discouragement rob them of the blessings God has already planned to bring forth through them. I like what Paul said to encourage his protégé Timothy on this same topic in 1st Timothy 4:12 (GWT):

Don’t let anyone look down on you for being young. Instead, make your speech, behavior, love, faith, and purity an example for other believers.

Paul is telling Timothy that his belief (faith in God) along with his actions (speech, behavior, love, & purity), will demonstrate to others what’s in his heart and will prevent him from being criticized.

So the question is… are you willing to let God use you regardless of your age?

Thia Mejia (Singer) who is the youngest finalist to ever appear on American Idol after they changed the minimum age limit to 15 years stated it perfectly when she said, You’re never too young for something you really want to do, never too young to go after your passion. The age doesn’t matter at all. If it’s something you want to do, it depends on your will.”

Just be willing to let God use you. Psalms 51:12 (NIV) states, “… and grant me a willing spirit…”

Age doesn’t matter, it’s just a number! Whether you are young or old, God can use you.

If it’s causing you to doubt or become fearful, then I encourage you to trust God, pray and push past it. Be the inspiration you are destined to be!

Thank you for your time. Be Blessed… LR Maddox


  1. The Devil knows our fears even better then we do, and he uses it at every opportunity to hinder us at from achieving what God has already promise us. Young fear is; it not my time, am I to young, do I need more experience…. Old fear is; it to late, am I too set in my ways to change, I’m too old does it real matter… The devil will always use fear…. But we will always have Gods grace………


    1. Well said, Donald! I completely agree. We need to trust and rely on God instead of using our age as an excuse.

      Thank you!


  2. I enjoyed this two part post. It has given me something to think and pray about.


    1. Thank you! I’m glad to hear that.


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