It Started with a Mouse…

You are probably wondering, “How is a mouse part of the Be Inspired series?” Well… it’s part of a famous quote by Walt Disney and I’m pretty sure you know who he is. To quote his exact words it was, “I only hope that we don’t lose sight of one thing — that it all started with a mouse.”

Sometimes while we’re on the journey of discovering our dream or how we can be an inspiration, we’ll tend to look for obvious things that are usually large or impressive. Don’t get me wrong… God wants us to dream “big” and give us something that is beyond our capabilities. Although, we can easily overlook or lose sight of one thing that seems small or insignificant, which could be pivotal in what God wants to use to build or launch our dream. It could be a whisper, a word, a thought, a conversation, a situation, that you have dismissed or ignored.

We should be expecting God to give us the dream, so ask Him if you’ve missed something. I’d suggest that you go somewhere quiet when you ask the question, and then just be still. See if you get prompted regarding it. We see this in Psalms 62:5 (NHEB), “My soul, wait in silence for God alone, for my expectation is from him.”

Don’t get discouraged if you do not feel directed towards your dream just yet, it’s coming. I encourage you to continue praying about it and spending time reading the Bible, which was discussed previously in the Don’t Forget post:

Just be aware that it might be a small thing that launches your “big” dream because you never know what it will start with.

Thank you for your time. Be Blessed… LR Maddox


  1. Very well put Laronda. Love reading this blog


    1. Thank you, Annette! I appreciate the feedback.


  2. Thank you for your servant’s heart and sharing.


    1. Thank you, Nola! I appreciate your kind and encouraging words.


  3. I sometimes get my dreams when I’m flying across the country usually heading home at 35000 feet. I dream of how blessed I am to be with the person who I love the most and what God has in store for our future.


    1. Ahhhh… words that touch my heart! 🙂


  4. I’m praying God would give me a dream and the courage to walk it out. Personal dreams and dreams for my family.


    1. I’ll be interceding in prayer for you in regards to that! Stay encouraged. 🙂


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