I’ve got one!!

Okay, so I’m showing my quirky side for a moment because I just had to share… When I wrote the title what came to mind was “the scene” in the original Ghostbusters movie (1984). Annie Potts who played Janine Melnitz, had received their first official phone call. She stood up and yelled, “We’ve got one!!” She took her hand slamming it on the red alarm button. Now, cue in the sound of alarms going off…   It’s an exciting moment, right?

When we first discover what our dream is, we feel that same way. We are so excited that we’re ready to shout, tell everyone, and why not celebrate (although minus the alarms going off)? But, wait!!! Before you begin telling everyone and start making plans, you need to test it. Yes, I said to test it.

I can actually hear your thoughts, “What do you mean, test it?” Well, sometimes we can let people, circumstances, or even ourselves influence what we believe our dream is. So, we need to ensure that it came from God.

  1. Is it something you can easily achieve? Then, it’s probably not from God. Pastor Jentezen Franklin once stated, “A true assignment from God will showcase your inferiority and your limitation, it will be bigger than you are and make you feel incapable of achieving it.”   Interesting enough, Michelangelo (the famous artist) said something similar to this, “The greatest danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark.”
  2. Do you have peace about it? Even though it seems like your dream is unachievable, are you able to trust God about it and have peace? Or are you worrying about it? Worry is an indication that it’s probably not from God.   If you have peace, then God’s got it. Philippians 4:7b says, “His peace will keep your thoughts and your hearts quiet and at rest as you trust in Jesus Christ.”
  3. As a reminder this is the Be Inspired series, so is it a means to impact, touch, or inspire the lives of others?

Finally, talk to God and ask Him if it’s what He wants you to do. Set aside some quiet time and pray over it. Then take the test and see if it passes. If it does, Congratulations! You’ve got one!!

Thank you for your time. Be Blessed… LR Maddox


  1. I appreciate Point number one; the achievability, or lack there of, of a dream can make the dream feel overwhelming. Thank you for reminding me to aim high.


    1. Thank you, Laura! I’m so glad to hear that this encourages you to aim high. I appreciate you sharing this. 🙂


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