It was a Break-In…

Note: While this post is not the next entry in the Be Inspired series, it is connected. I pray that this will strengthen your trust & relationship with God.

My house was broken into while I was in it. I want to assure you that I’m fine. What God did was so AMAZING, that I’ve been calling this event, “The God who goes before.”

Many times, to see how God moves you need to go backward to “see” it. So, I’m going to do that for a moment:

  • Earlier in the Week – Began working on the last Blog post, “I’ve Got One – Test Results”. It spoke to not feeling doubtful or overwhelmed by the enormity of the dream God has given you; although little did I know the last two paragraphs would soon pertain to me.
  • Night Before – Became engrossed in a book and stayed up significantly past of my normal bedtime. I was shocked when I realized the time and tried to get some sleep.
  • That Morning – I woke up several hours later so my routine “time” was off. I had just finished exercising (grubby clothes & head rag) when the doorbell rang. I checked and it wasn’t anyone I knew so I ignored it. We often get people going door-to-door in our neighborhood, so it was not unusual. A few moments later, the doorbell rang again and someone knocked. When I checked there were two people at the door. So I decided to get dressed & went to grab some clothes. Coming out of my closet, I heard a crash and the house alarm began going off…

At that moment, I didn’t panic. I started to call 9-1-1 on my cell but felt it was best to use the house phone, get something to protect myself, and then get to a safe place to call. Approaching an open doorway, I stopped abruptly, & checked before walking across to ensure it was safe.

The video showed that the persons were in the house for a moment or two & appeared to have taken an item.

One of the police had told me afterward that they were surprised at how calm I was. Honestly, I was surprised too! I know that the peace I had, only came from God.

Reflecting over the events, the God who goes before was in: 1) the words of the blog, 2) reason I stayed up late reading, 3) being off my routine so that the house alarm was still on, and 4) keeping me calm to make wise decisions—house phone, protection, safe place, caution. There were many more examples but I’m pretty sure that you get the point.

God is still in the business! His words & promises are true, no matter the circumstances. Below are the two sections of the last blog. I hope that it blesses you as much and even more than it did me:

I hope this simple quote from The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh encourages you, “You’re braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” With God, you’ve can do it! He’s taking care of you and your dream.

My prayer for you is, “So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you, from Deuteronomy 31:8 (NLT).

BTW – The persons who broke in were caught and the item stolen has been returned. God is wonderful!

Have you had a situation where you looked back and saw what God did beforehand to protect you or prevent something from happening? Take a moment and share your experience.

Thank you for your time. Be Blessed… LR Maddox                            


  1. I am so happy you are ok. After reading your story, I realized I had a moment where God kept me calm. My husband bought me a beautiful 3 diamond ring for our 25th wedding anniversary. It was near Halloween when I was at work. I went to a party store for a Halloween costume. When I came out of the store, I realized one of my diamonds was missing. I went into a don’t panic stage. I remember feeling like I was in a daze. I checked all over my car, and walked all the isle in the store and found nothing. When I came back to work, I told my co-workers. We went walking all of the places I had been, when all of a sudden something shining was on the kitchen floor. I had found it. Only after I found it did I actually realize how upset I would of been. God was keeping me calm because he knew I would find it. Thanks for sharing your story with all of us.


    1. What an awesome story, Annette! You had peace in a situation that should have caused panic but God kept you calm & you retraced your steps, and thankfully found it. I appreciate you sharing the story. Thank you!


  2. I was coming home from a business trip, just landed at the airport i turned on my cell when i got the news of the event just happen. As i’m almost running through the airport, thinking i have to get home as soon as i can. It’s a full on raining down pour outside & how am i going get home to protect & comfort my most important person to me, who i love with all my heart…….GOD spoke to me…Call one of your two best friends. My friend drop everything and went to my house, and he told me get home safe. God not only protected my wife but, me too……
    God is so good.


    1. I agree, God is so good!! I was very thankful to have you return home safely. 🙂


  3. I admire your attitude. We are so thankful you’re ok and thriving.


    1. Thank you, Laura! It wouldn’t have been possible without God. 🙂


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