“When,” not if… (You are NOT Alone! – Cont’d)

We were never promised that life would be easy, but for some reason we expect it. Then when a problem occurs, we dive into frustration, confusion, and despair. Or we expect a microwave type of solution that we can just “press” the right button, and it is immediately fixed. Jesus said in John 16:33, “I’ve told you this so that my peace will be with you. In the world you’ll have trouble. But cheer up! I have overcome the world.”

This is a “when” not an “if” condition. He is telling us that we will have trouble but do not let it overwhelm us, because he will give us His peace while helping us through it. We just need the ability to endure.

We see this discussed in James 1:2-3 (TPT), “My fellow believers, when it seems as though you are facing nothing but difficulties see it as an invaluable opportunity to experience the greatest joy that you can! For you know that when your faith is tested it stirs up power within you to endure all things.”

In the last post “It’s Not about How You Feel” we talked about feelings and faith, so let’s look at what endure means. I love the definitions listed in the Webster’s Dictionary (1828 version) and I’ve added comments to each one:
1) To last – Make it through the problem
2) To continue in the same state without perishing – We won’t be harmed during it
3) To remain – No matter what, stay with God! Read His promises (bible).
4) To abide – Stand strong, don’t give up!

The bottom line is that we need to rely on and trust God. He will help by giving us power and peace to get through whatever we are facing.

I leave you with the following thought, a quote from Babe Ruth (famous athlete):

It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up.

I encourage you to endure. Don’t give up! Keep your faith & trust in the Lord and He will get you through any problem.

Don’t forget, “You are NOT Alone!”

Thank you for your time. Be Blessed… LR Maddox


    1. So glad to see you found the site! I miss you too sister-dear. 🙂


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