The year’s not over yet!

Fall has always been my favorite season. The time when everything bursts with its last beauty, as if nature had been saving up all year for the grand finale.”   – By Lauren DeStefano

Can you believe that we have completed three-quarters of the year already? Wow, how quickly it has gone by! Once we reach this time of the year the busyness of our lives, unfulfilled goals, or disappointments, has many of us feeling drained, stretched, and maybe even worn down. We see the upcoming holidays on the horizon and start to feel overwhelmed.

But God brought us this gorgeous season for a reason. The various rich, vibrant, and deep colors of the leaves are absolutely stunning. What was old has now become new again. There’s a refreshing that happens as we leave summer and enter fall. I choose to believe that God gave us this beauty as a reminder to stop, breathe-in and breathe-out, and to refresh ourselves so we will finish the year strong.

You may need a fresh perspective, a creative idea, or even encouragement to revive your outlook. Whatever you need, just be sure to set aside some time to rest, read the Bible, and talk to God (pray).  This is a great step towards getting refreshed.

I really like the promise I found in Jeremiah 31:25 (CEV) that says, “Those who feel tired and worn out will find new life and energy, and when they sleep, they will wake up refreshed.” In the 1828 Webster dictionary refreshed is defined as, to give new strength to; to invigorate; to relieve after fatigue. We should all want to be invigorated and energized at this time.

Get refreshed, enjoy the grand finale, and see what God will do. Don’t forget… The year’s not over yet!

May this encourage you,So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.” Galatians 6:9 (NLT)

Thank you for your time. Be Blessed… LR Maddox


  1. Awesome Sis, Vibrant! Refreshing!


    1. Thank you, Sis! Glad you enjoyed it. 🙂


  2. Thanks so much for the reminder of refreshing!


    1. You’re welcome! Enjoy the grand finale! 🙂


  3. This is perfect! Just what I needed to hear!


    1. Great! So glad to hear that. Definitely set some time aside and get refreshed! 🙂 Thank you.


    2. Thank you. Make sure you get some time to refresh! 🙂


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