Calm in the CRAZY – Part 1

True calmness comes from within.” – Asad Meah

I don’t know about you, but the last six months have been absolutely C-R-A-Z-Y!

I feel like I have been starring in an episode of Star Trek (the original version, of course). The transporter has malfunctioned, sending me to a parallel universe and placing me on a strange earth where everyone wears a mask (they better be) because of a dreaded disease.  There are restrictions, lost jobs, riots, turmoil, uncertainty, shortages, anger, destruction, unrest, etc.

There I stand watching all this transpire, and my mind is yelling, “WHAT is HAPPENING???” although it sounds just like how Oprah says it.

But I am not in some alternate universe, nor on another planet.  Unfortunately, it is all very REAL.  And apparently, COVID was not enough, because the enemy has been on an all-out attack!  My dad passed away battling cancer (sooner than anticipated), followed by unexpected and absurd situations.  Then the fires came and we had to evacuate our home.

I have been asked several times, “How is it going?”  My response has been, “It’s been a war!  I’m fighting for peace, strength, joy, and calm.  I am suited up and battling to win!”

So, how do you stay calm in the Crazy? Let’s break out the letters to crazy, starting with “C.”

For me, it begins by putting my faith, hope, and trust in God and Jesus Christ. I know that I cannot handle this life alone.  I need super-sized help and support to combat the issues and stay sane.

In 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17 TPT it says, “Now may the Lord Jesus Christ and our Father God, who loved us and in his wonderful grace gave us eternal comfort and a beautiful hope that cannot fail, encourage your hearts and inspire you with strength to always do and speak what is good

How has your year been so far? No matter what has been happening, let Christ bring you calmness.

My prayer for you is found in Psalm 62:8 TPT, “Join me, everyone! Trust only in God every moment! Tell him all your troubles and pour out your heart-longings to him. Believe me when I tell you—he will help you!”

Thank you for your time. Be Blessed… LR Maddox
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  1. You are authentic my sister and that is one of the reasons that I love you. It does begin by putting our faith, hope and trust in Jesus Christ. Thanks for sharing your heart and life.


    1. Thank you, Sis! I appreciate the support and your kind words. 🙂


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