I Need Help! (Live Wisely)

“When faced with a decision, choose the path that feeds your soul.” – Dorothy Mendoza Row  

I cannot speak for you, but lately, I’ve been finding myself in uncharted waters, facing situations I never have before.

Help was needed in so many areas, although the most crucial part has been making decisions. Not only did they impact me, but others too.  At times, I had to respond immediately, and it seemed that there was no time to think or even to breathe. I was feeling overwhelmed!

My desire was to make good choices. Well, strike that… It was to make the right decisions based on what God wanted me to do. 

So, what did I do?  I asked for wisdom.  We are instructed to do this in James 1:5 CEV, “If any of you need wisdom, you should ask God, and it will be given to you. God is generous and won’t correct you for asking.”

Asking God for direction regarding each question, problem, & decision that I faced became my lifeline.  It added peace into the situations and also came a reassurance that eventually, everything would be fine.

But what do you do when you feel that you have received multiple answers to your problem?  I will address that in the upcoming posts, as we strive to live wisely.

Meanwhile, if you have felt like me lately and have not taken the opportunity to ask God for wisdom over your circumstances, I encourage you to do so now!  Pray to God for it and watch what He will do to help you.

Thank you for your time. Be Blessed… LR Maddox
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    1. Thanks, Sis for stopping by!

      Love you too! 🙂


  1. This message is EXACTLY what I needed today for the decision that I will be making with God. What a timely post! Thank you!


    1. Thank you for stopping in to read it! It’s definitely God’s timing. I’m thankful that it was helpful. 🙂


  2. Love your lesson. I know I have had to face many decisions in the last five years that have exhausted me. I have used your approach and your kind guidance to help me though. Take care my sis.


    1. I appreciate your kind words, Sis!! I know the feeling!!
      When we’re in the middle of a storm, our instinct says to just “react” but that only makes things worse. Being reminded to ask for wisdom to get the assistance needed, has definitely helped. With God for us, who can be against us?

      Thanks for being there for me too! 🙂


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