Choose Which One?? (Live Wisely)

When people have too many choices, they make bad choices.” – Thom Brown

As I felt overwhelmed while trying to navigate this uncharted path in my life, I asked God for help.  Specifically, I asked Him for wisdom (see post: I Need Help!)

But what do we do when there are multiple solutions to the problem?  They can come from various sources.  Our family members, friends, a TV show/commercial, Social media, news, and even our inner voice.

Sometimes, a solution can “appear” to be the perfect answer yet cause the most damage.  Of course, this occurs when our enemy (devil) tries to deceive us, so we are removed from the path God wants us to take (Revelations 12:9 & John 10:10 NKJV).   

While feeling pressure to select the correct answer, how do we choose it?  I decided to follow King Solomon’s example because he was well-known for his wisdom (1 Kings 4:34 CEV).  At a young age, he took the throne and was concerned about his responsibilities as a leader.  He asked God in 1 Kings 3:9 CEV, “Please make me wise and teach me the difference between right and wrong”   

Quickly I amended my prayer to add that latter part. Now, when faced with choosing the best decision, the strain has eased, and it’s easier to eliminate the invalid ones.  Finally, this leads me to the last filter I apply before selecting what option to choose, which we will discuss in the next post as we strive to live wisely.

If you have been dealing with similar challenges like I was, take a moment right now and pray what King Solomon did.  God is waiting to hear from you. We are told this in Psalms 34:17 NLT, “The Lord hears his people when they call to him for help…”

Thank you for your time. Be Blessed… LR Maddox
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