For Us (Easter)

“He gave himself for us; he died to free us from all evil. He died to make us pure people who belong only to him—people who are always wanting to do good things.” –  Titus 2:14 ICB

As I reflect upon Easter and the sacrifice Jesus made for you and me, I am humbled and so very thankful.  The privileges we have received from his selfless act of love are invaluable. Todd Dulaney’s song “The Anthem” touches my heart as it speaks to what we gained.  You can “click” on the title, and it will take you to YouTube to hear it.  Here are the lyrics:

You have won the victory
You have won it all for me

Death could not hold you down
You are the risen king
Seated in majesty
You are the risen king

By his stripes we are healed
By his nail pierced hands we’re free
By his blood, we’re washed clean
Now we have the victory.

The power of sin is broken
Jesus overcame it all
He has won our freedom

Jesus has won it all
Our God is risen
He is alive
He’s won the victory
He reigns on high

I pray that you receive God’s love by accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior if you never have before. Romans 10:9-10 GNT says, “If you confess that Jesus is Lord and believe that God raised him from death, you will be saved. For it is by our faith that we are put right with God; it is by our confession that we are saved.”

Embrace His love! Happy Resurrection Day! Thank you for your time… LR Maddox
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