It’s Our Lifestyle (Live Wisely)

The gospel that Jesus sent His disciples to preach is none other than a call to choose the way of wisdom, the way of life, the way of Jesus.” –  Dale Losch

As I reflected upon the significant impacts that our nation has faced since last year due to Covid and the challenges we dealt with that resulted in riots, turmoil, uncertainty, anger, and destruction, I began to wonder where do we go from here? We cannot undo everything that has happened just because vaccines are available. 

How can we do better as we move forward?

While I have been tackling obstacles on this new uncharted path and praying to God for help/wisdom, I realized it is more than a problem-by-problem activity.  We are called to live a wise life. Why? Because first and foremost, it is pleasing to God.  We see this in Proverbs 23:15-16 GNT, “My child, if you become wise, I will be very happy. I will be proud when I hear you speaking words of wisdom.”

To live wisely impacts how we act and speak and also comes with benefits. So, how do we become wiseHow can it become our lifestyle? In the upcoming posts, we will find out what God has to say about this.

Now to answer the question, “How can we do better as we move forward?” Let us become intentional about changing our lifestyle to live wisely

Thank you for your time. Be Blessed… LR Maddox
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