#1 – Wisdom is… (Live Wisely)

Speaking the truth is the main attribute of a pure hearted person.” –  Eraldo Banovac

In the last post, we learned in James 3:13-16 (MSG) what we need to do to be counted as wise and the behaviors that would disqualify us.

So, let’s get some additional insight into what wisdom is by stepping through the descriptions found in James 3:17 (TLB).  The first piece we will focus on is:

But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure and full of quiet gentleness...

Webster’s 1828 dictionary defines pure as genuine, real, true, incorrupt, & unadulterated, which means the wisdom we receive from God will reflect this with quiet gentleness.   

In our commitment to live wisely so that we positively impact our lives and others, my prayer is that we will strive to demonstrate these qualities.

Finally, let us consider and act on the words of William Hazlitt, “A gentle word, a kind look, a good-natured smile can work wonders and accomplish miracles.”

Thank you for your time. Be Blessed… LR Maddox
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