Autumn for the Soul

Notice that autumn is more the season of the soul than of nature.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

Something about this season quickly captures our attention by the beautiful colors of the leaves & the crispness in the morning air.  It seems to say, “Slow down, relax, and recharge.”

Ruth Ahmed said, “There is something so special in the early leaves drifting from the trees–as if we are all to be allowed a chance to peel, to refresh, to start again.”  
My soul yearns for the tranquility that this time of year seems to offer.  So when I allowed myself to rest, I heard a gentle whisper and realized it came from Psalm 27:8 NLT:

My heart has heard you say, “Come and talk with me.”  And my heart responds, “Lord, I am coming.

During this fall period, let’s give ourselves permission to pause from the busyness of our lives. To deliberately set aside time to converse with God and let Him rejuvenate our soul.

Thank you for your time. Be Blessed… LR Maddox
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