Protect Your JOY! (Focusing on Joy)

“No one will steal my joy.” ― John Calipari

We must firmly believe that our joy will not be stolen. We need to protect it. Why?

John 10:10a ESV provides the answer, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy.

Satan is out to destroy us; one way to do that is to make us miserable. He uses various tactics to come after us, which means we always need to be on guard. Here’s some excellent advice and encouragement on this:

“Don’t allow negative people to steal your joy. When you lose your joy, you lose your strength.”Joel Osteen 

“Worry, bitterness, negativity, busyness, and guilt -they will all steal our joy – but only if we let them.”Rob Renfroe

“Satan is a liar. He wants to steal our joy and replace it with hopelessness. When we’re up against a struggle, and we think we can’t keep going, we can change that by praising God. Our chains will fall from us.”Don Piper 

“We can’t control what other people do and how they decide to treat us, but we can control our response to them. Don’t let other people’s behavior control you. Don’t let them steal your joy; remember that your anger won’t change them, but prayer can.”Joyce Meyer 

So, let’s be vigilant in protecting our joy!

Please join me next time as we continue to “focus on joy.”

[Joy is => inner gladness, delight, calm delight, or even rejoicing.]
If you missed the prior post, click here.

Thank you for your time. Be Blessed! LR Maddox
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