Have a JOY-Full Year

“Find joy in the journey.” ― Anonymous  

Happy New Year! Thank you for joining me last year as we focused on joy.

To recap, we discussed the following topics: Focusing On; Definition; God’s Presence; From Jesus; From the Holy Spirit; From God’s Word; Is Powerful; During Trials; During Sorrow; Prayer; Hope; Protect Yours; It’s a Choice; It’s a Lifestyle; Rejoice in Today; Contentment; Love; Thankfulness; Share It; Service; Generosity; and Is ChristmasI hope each of these has influenced you in some way as it did me.

It was so crucial to Jesus that we have a joy-filled life that He said in John 15:11 NKJV, “These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full.”  Even Paul echoed its importance when he said, “be joyful,” which we saw earlier in the It’s a Lifestyle entry.

I pray for you to experience joy daily and share it with others.

As I conclude this series, let these quotes and scriptures encourage you on the journey to “focus on joy.”

“May your new year be filled with joy and humor, and you find a smile for each day of the year.”  ― Catherine Pulsifer

“If you are joyful, do not worry about lukewarmness. Joy will shine in your eyes and in your look, in your conversation and in your countenance. You will not be able to hide it because joy overflows.”  ― Mother Teresa

“We are praying, too, that you will be filled with his mighty, glorious strength so that you can keep going no matter what happens—always full of the joy of the Lord…” ― Colossians 1:11 TLB

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”  ― Romans 15:13 NIV

Thank you for your time. Be Blessed! LR Maddox

Please Note: Due to assistance needed for a family member, I will be hitting the “pause” button on these entries. I look forward to starting them again soon.
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