It’s Not about How You Feel… (You are NOT Alone! – Cont’d)

A few years ago, I became very ill with what I thought was a severe flu. It took over a month to feel semi-human again, but I was still feeling drained. A couple of months later, I saw a doctor and was diagnosed with dilated cardiomyopathy (an enlarged heart). This was a SHOCK!!

The doctor felt a virus had caused it and proceeded to give me two options: 1) Install a Pacemaker – Due to my petite frame, I was told it would protrude out and be seen in my chest area. Can you imagine my horror hearing that? and 2) Medication – There was a chance it could revert my heart back, although per the doctor it was minuscule.

I chose Option 2. Blood tests were taken often and an Echocardiogram performed every 2 months. I felt weak, tired, was cold all the time, and my toes & fingers numbed often. After each Echo, I was informed that my heart had not changed and I would feel discouraged.

Was this easy? Heck NO!! So, what was I doing during all this? I fought my feelings (fear, anxiety, & disappointment) with faith. I read healing scriptures (God’s promises), I sang praise and worship songs, and I prayed. My family and friends, including church members, prayed and kept me encouraged.   At one point, the doctor suggested that we stop the treatment since it was not working, but I asked for more time. Almost one year after I started taking the medication, he told me, “I didn’t believe it would work, but your heart is normal again!”

Why did I share this story? Because when we rely on our feelings, we can be led astray and make the wrong decision. We need to trust God’s promises. When God makes a promise there’s nothing the devil can do to change it. But we know he will do whatever he can to destroy us (Link: Previous Post), so he’ll attack our feelings.

One of our pastors (John Harris) taught on this in, “I’m Never Alone (Link: YouTube)”. In it he said, “…The devil wants to get between us and God. So, he will attempt to manipulate us based on how we feel to get us into a vulnerable position. When this happens, we are more likely to become deceived. When we make a decision out of how we feel about a situation, instead of what God said about it, then our awareness of Him is low. If our awareness becomes low, then our faith will be low and we become susceptible to the lies of the enemy…

What lies are you hearing? That you are a failure, not forgiven, or nobody cares? The lies go on and on! Remember that God loves you and is with you. Jesus said in Matthew 28:20b (NLT), “…And be sure of this: I am with you always even to the end of the age.

I encourage you to keep your awareness of God high, so you can fight your feelings with faith! Pray, read scriptures, sing praise & worship songs, attend church services, connect with believers, and help others.

Don’t forget, “You are NOT Alone!”

Thank you for your time. Be Blessed… LR Maddox

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