About Me

For years, my career had been in Information Technology as a computer programmer, technical lead, and a project manager.  Now, I find myself still sitting in front of a monitor, typing on a keyboard, and putting words together for a project.  Although this time, I’m on a new journey and writing about something that is close to my heart.

My love for reading began when I could quickly transport myself into another world while engrossed in a great story.  Yet over the years, I would wish for stories with multicultural characters that were not just friendships, but they had relationships too.  It’s seen in families, in schools, at work, at churches, and throughout the community.  It’s been my life and I look forward to sharing it.

I am a new writer whose passion is to create works that weave in threads of ethnic diversity, the power of God, community, and love. 

My heart’s desire is to touch, encourage, and inspire lives.  If I’m able to do this through my inspirational writings whether it be a devotional, a contemporary fiction novel, or by blogging, then I am very thankful.  A quote by Albert Schweitzer resonates with me:

The true worth of a man is not to be found in man himself, but the colours and textures that come alive in others.

My husband has been my rock, encourager, and constant supporter during this journey.  We have been blessed to have two sons, a daughter-in-love, and an absolutely adorable grandson who has stolen my heart.

When I am not writing, then I can be found enjoying family and friends, meeting with my Lifegroup, reading, cooking or firing up the smoker, being a foodie, traveling, or just simply relishing the outdoors.

I have been a member of the Inspire Christian Writers group since 2016.

You are invited to stay in touch by checking out the Blog page that will be updated every other week on Wednesdays.  Also, to get notified when a new post is published, “Follow me” on Facebook and turn on Get Notifications.  Just click the icon at the bottom of the page. 

Be blessed!  LR Maddox 

“Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.” Matt. 5:16 (NASB)