It Started with a Mouse…
You are probably wondering, “How is a mouse part of the Be Inspired series?” Well… it’s part of a famous quote by Walt Disney and I’m pretty sure you know […]
You are probably wondering, “How is a mouse part of the Be Inspired series?” Well… it’s part of a famous quote by Walt Disney and I’m pretty sure you know […]
Greetings! We are continuing the Be Inspired series and this installment addresses the “younger” generation, whether it’s a number or you are young at heart. In Part 1, I discussed the […]
Welcome back! This post is a continuation of the Be Inspired series and is addressing the “seasoned” generation. I will chat about the younger generation during the next installment. So […]
Happy New Year! It’s January, that time of the year when you hear discussions of New Year’s resolutions, having a fresh start, and planning short & long-term goals. You hear […]
This past summer our Pastor told us to ask ourselves, “Who is God sending me to?” So, take a moment and let that question soak in… God uses us to […]