Share It! (Focusing on Joy)
“Joy is increased by spreading it to others.” — Robert Murray McCheyne We should be sharing our joy with others! As Christians, we live by the Spirit, so let’s bless others with our […]
“Joy is increased by spreading it to others.” — Robert Murray McCheyne We should be sharing our joy with others! As Christians, we live by the Spirit, so let’s bless others with our […]
“Where there is love, there is joy.” ― Mother Teresa Simple yet so eloquently stated are the words of Mother Teresa. Joy and love exist because we get them from God. […]
“To be joyful is a principle. It doesn’t change with emotions. Joy is an inner contentment despite all the circumstances.” ― Richard Daly This quote indicates that having joy is a […]
“The healthiest response to life is joy.” ― Mark Twain In the prior post, we discussed that although joy is available, we must choose it. When we do this, it becomes our […]
“We can choose to live in joy.” ― Joseph Campbell Earlier in the series, we learned that joy is a gift of God that we access through His Spirit for those who belong to Christ. And that we can […]