
Calm in the CRAZY – Part 4

“Never allow anyone to take you out of character, some people know which buttons to press. (Zip it instead)” ― Charmaine J Forde What great advice! The enemy would love for […]

Calm in the CRAZY – Part 3B

“If you want peace, prepare for war.” – Translated from Latin adage Si vis Pacem, para Bellum Due to all that we have been dealing with this year, this quote […]

Calm in the CRAZY – Part 3A

“That most dangerous of opponents: the one who took pains to comprehend the position of his adversary.” ― Piers Anthony While the craziness is swirling around and issues want to keep […]

Calm in the CRAZY – Part 2

“Even the Lone Ranger didn’t do it alone.” – Harvey MacKay Well, COVID is still around, the enemy continues to attack, and what’s been happening is not a dream but […]

Calm in the CRAZY – Part 1

“True calmness comes from within.” – Asad Meah I don’t know about you, but the last six months have been absolutely C-R-A-Z-Y! I feel like I have been starring in an […]