“Say” What?! (Love Yourself – Step#2)
“Words can INSPIRE and words can DESTROY. Choose YOURS well.” ― Robin Sharma In the last two posts, we’ve looked into what is stored in our heart and seen by our fruit. […]
“Words can INSPIRE and words can DESTROY. Choose YOURS well.” ― Robin Sharma In the last two posts, we’ve looked into what is stored in our heart and seen by our fruit. […]
“You’ll never find choice fruit hanging on a bad, unhealthy tree. And rotten fruit doesn’t hang on a good, healthy tree. Every tree will be revealed by the quality of […]
“As water reflects the face, so the heart reflects the person.” ― Proverbs 27:19 CSB So, what kind of things are you reflecting? Let’s look at Luke 6:45 (TPT), “…Out of the […]
“When you judge others, you do not define them, you define yourself.” ― Earl Nightingale Within a split second, we can quickly find ourselves judging someone based upon our “personal” data files. […]
Compare, compare, COMPARE! Today’s society loves to compare practically everything! Job, house, single, married, kids, TV, clothes, and on and on… It’s out of control! As we strive towards learning […]