
Live Wisely – The Wrap-Up

“Wisdom is a treasure, the key whereof is never lost.”  – Edward Counsel Most of this year, we’ve been discussing various topics related to wisdom because of the uncharted course God put […]

Got Peace? (Live Wisely)

“Seek God’s guidance. Leave the outcomes to Him. Enjoy the peace of understanding that ‘God’s got this.’” –  Faye Horton Previously, I talked about feeling overwhelmed while facing an unfamiliar course […]

Choose Which One?? (Live Wisely)

“When people have too many choices, they make bad choices.” – Thom Brown As I felt overwhelmed while trying to navigate this uncharted path in my life, I asked God for […]

I Need Help! (Live Wisely)

“When faced with a decision, choose the path that feeds your soul.” – Dorothy Mendoza Row   I cannot speak for you, but lately, I’ve been finding myself in uncharted waters, […]